
Our Project's SourceForge Account

SourceForge is a web-based open source development resource. It provides tools, web hosting and source repositories that open-source developers can use to speed up their project development.

We currently use the following SourceForge features:

We may expand our SourceForge usage as the project matures. For example, we would like to use the bug-tracker to monitor problems with the distribution.

(Should this be a subsection of “Other tasks”? -P.)


Our project's homepage is located at

Our Sourceforge project page is located at

The current project administrators are Paul Nijjar, Daniel Allen and Charles McColm.

(What do you do with these URLs? How do you edit the webpage? How do you upload files? -P.)

Creating your user account

You need a SourceForge account in order to do any of the following things:

(how about bug reports? -P.)

Specifically, you do not need an account if you are just using the installer, or even if you are editing installer files.

Creating an account is easy: just go to , click on “New user via SSL”, and follow the instructions.

However, an account alone is not enough to become a project developer. You also have to be registered as a WCLP project developer. To do this, you have to contact one of the current project administrators. Either talk to whomever is in charge of the Linux project at the Working Centre, or send an e-mail to one of the “Project Admins” shown on the WCLP project homepage. If the administrator agrees that it makes sense for you to become a developer (which is highly likely) then the administrator will add you to the WCLP developer list.

Using CVS

CVS stands for “concurrent version control”. It is software designed to track changes to source code (the “version control” part) and to allow many different people to work on a single piece of software at the same time (the “concurrent” part).

Basic information on using SourceForge to upload and download our sources can be found in the SourceForge documentation:

An introductory CVS manual can be found at:

You should definitely do a little bit of reading before uploading anything to CVS.

CVS is complicated software. It looks overwhelming at first. However, there are only a few commands you will use regularly:

All of these commands should be executed in the current CVS working directory.

Our CVS layout

Currently, we only store documentation on SourceForge CVS. The CVS directoryname for the documentation is called manuals . The CVS projectname is wclp .

The faiadmin account currently uses anonymous access to download manual sources. This is so that we can associate developer names with changes to the CVS source. It also means that you should not try to upload changes to the manuals from the


directory. Rather, you will want to download a private copy of the LATEX sources from CVS, and edit that. In order to do this you will need to create a SourceForge account and register yourself as a developer for our project.

(To make a release, faiadmin should download the freshest version of the sources.. -P.)

CVS Tips and Quirks

If for some reason you cannot anonymously download the manual sources, try visiting the manuals via the web interface. Browse the CVS repository using your browser, then try anonymously downloading the sources again.

No. This shouldn't work. But for some reason it seems to help.

Bug Tracking

Releasing our software

Only project administrators can release our software to SourceForge.

(Show how to use the mkrelease script -P.)

(Show how to compile the documentation -P.)
